Platforms : PC
Type : 3rd person shooter
Skills : AI, game programming and C++
Time spent on the project : 4 days
Engine and tools : Unreal Engine and Perforce

My contribution
In this game jam, I’ve put my focus on all the AIs present in the game. I’ve made 5 smaller AIs that would be easier to be killed by the player and I’ve made a boss AI for the end of the game. I’ve made smaller contributions like adding some UIs to the enemies and helped with the arena regions functionality.
Swamp creatures
The obvious challenge of creating those AIs was the small time constraint. But to make things possible I’ve made them simple but different enough so the player could have different challenges while navigating the level.
I’ve wanted to practice some more C++, so I’ve been able to customize the blueprint to work with the arenas that spawned the AIs. When the arena spawned them, it chose a random type, assigned the behavior tree related to it, added it’s AI controller to the world so it can function.

I’ve worked closely with our artists and designer to decide what we’ll do for the final boss of the game, and we decided to have random attacks toward the player. Khrok, our final boss, has 3 different attacks. He throws a marshmallow that spawns swamp creatures, jump towards the player that creates and area damage and turns around to slam his tail, which grows small lethal mushrooms towards the player.
Same with the other AIs, my main challenge was to be able to make this boss work before the end of the game jam. It was the last day I had left to make the end of the game combat and since his mechanics were similar to what I’ve done with the other AIs, I’ve had the chance to replicate a lot and modify it to work with the new system.